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    30 Famous Artists Who Use Colored Pencils & Instagram Artists 

    What is a color pencil drawing?

    Color pencil drawing centers around using various color pencils to create an image of an object(s).

    Utilizing shading and blending methods of dry media.

    So what exactly is inside a colored pencil?

    Colored pencils have either wax-or oil-based centers, containing different measurements of fine pigmentations.

    Famous Color Pencil Artists:

    1. Anne Kullberg
    2. Lynda Schumacher
    3. Marco Mazzoni
    4. Vince Okerman
    5. Debra Yaun
    6. Cecile Baird
    7. Gary Greene
    8. Anna Hammer
    9. Jesse Lane
    10. Art Venti
    11. Cj Hendry
    12. Paul Miller
    13. Cassidy Packard
    14. Marcello Barenghi
    15. Lui Ferreyra
    16. Veronica Winters
    17. Alina Kachur-Bogachuk
    18. Kelly Lahar
    19. Karen Hull
    20. Susan Helen Strok
    21. Tom Chanth
    22. Rob Bateman
    23. Larissa Ria Loomans
    24. Janelle Johnson
    25. Anya Timoshenko
    26. Arlene Steinberg
    27. Morgan Davidson
    28. Hakan Gürsu
    29. Lie Hong