Bob pisani birthdate
Bob pisani birthdate
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Bob Pisani
Robert V. Pisani (born 1956) is a correspondent for CNBC.
Pisani has worked for CNBC since 1990. Until 1997, Pisani largely covered the real estate industry and corporate management.
Bob pisani birthdate youtube
Since then, he has reported live from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, surrounded by floor traders. He mainly focuses on activity in major stock market indices and is CNBC's senior markets correspondent.
Pisani was twice nominated for a CableACE Award, in 1993 and 1995.
In 2017, Pisani was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Security Traders Association of New York. In 2013, he won Third Place in the National Headliner Awards in the Business and Consumer Reporting category for his documentary on the diamond business, "The Diamond Rush." In 2014, Pisani was honored with a Recognition Award from the Market Technicians Association for "steadfast efforts to integrate technical analysis into financial decision making, journalism and reporting."