Adam thoroughgood house hours

  • Adam thoroughgood house hours
  • Old cape henry lighthouse.

    Adam Thoroughgood House

    Historic house in Virginia, United States

    United States historic place

    The Thoroughgood House is a brick house located at 1636 Parish Road, in the neighborhood of Thoroughgood, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States.

    Lynnhaven house virginia beach

    It was built ca. 1719.[4] It was formerly known as the Adam Thoroughgood House. It was not built by Adam. The building underwent major restorations in 1923 and in the 1950s and has served as a museum since opening to the public April 29, 1957.

    Adam thoroughgood house hours

  • Adam thoroughgood house hours
  • Lynnhaven house virginia beach
  • Old cape henry lighthouse
  • Thoroughgood neighborhood
  • Francis land house
  • Much of the current structure was most likely the house of the great-grandson of Adam Thoroughgood. The City of Virginia Beach acquired the property in 2003. A 2004 grant application to the National Park Service resulted in a $150,000 award from the prestigious Save America's Treasures program.

    The City matched that amount as required.[5] This restoration took longer and cost more than expected, but the house reopened in May 2011.[6]

    Adam Thoroughgood

    Adam Thorou