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Sigmund Freud Biography
Sigmund Freud was the man behind the concept and method of psychoanalysis, which was a means of delving into a person's inner conflicts that lie within the unconscious mind.
This method is based on the understanding that people's fantasies and dreams say something about these problems that affect them in their daily lives. Freud also formed several theories that relate to the ego, libido and sexuality of the child, which are only a few of the other topics he studied and specialized on during his lifetime.
Documentary about sigmund freud biography youtube
Hence, Freud was regarded as one of the most influential and controversial personalities of the 20th century.
Sigmund Freud lived most of his years in Vienna, although Freiberg (a town in Austria) was his birthplace.
When his family relocated to Vienna, Freud was only four years of age. It was in this city in Austria where he received a degree in the field of medicine, which was in 1881. A year after, he married and decided to practice his